
Anxiety Counseling Methods

Anxiety therapy methods vary, depending on the nature and severity of your anxiety disorder. Kuhn encourages clients to become informed on anxiety disorders as part of their therapy journey. She advises her patients to record all anxious thoughts during a designated “worry time,” to help identify which types of thinking exacerbate anxiety and stress levels. …
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The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test, or MMPI, is a clinical personality assessment tool used to assess traits and psychopathology. It includes 10 clinical scales. Starke Hathaway and J. C. McKinley created the MMPI personality assessment instrument in 1940s; since then it has become one of the most renowned and researched personality tests. Trained psychologists …
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What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Initial Steps in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Your therapist and you will take time identifying troubling situations, emotions and beliefs, while monitoring any self-talk, rumination or catastrophizing that takes place. CBT is goal oriented therapy; therefore you and your therapist will determine what to focus on each session. They may encourage journaling or noting down …
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What You Need to Know About Personality Assessment

Personality Assessment is an industry worth billions. Unfortunately, however, many personality tests are unreliable and even misleading. MBTI simplifies personality into four either/or binaries that follow Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types: extraversion vs introversion; sensing vs intuition; thinking or feeling. Other assessments use projective techniques, like Rorschach test ambiguous inkblots or Thematic Apperception Test …
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How to Prepare for Your Therapist Appointment

Therapists provide invaluable assistance for mental health issues of all sorts. Many specialize in working with specific age groups or types of therapy; each varies significantly in education, certifications, cost and experience. Finding an experienced therapist may require time, but it’s worth making the effort. Look to your friends and family for advice. How to …
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How to Interpret the Results of a Personality Test

Personality tests have grown increasingly popular in business settings. Employers see them as providing objective and scientific credentials to the otherwise subjective process of selecting employees. Assertiveness personality trait may indicate you as being outspoken and willing to lead groups without hesitation; which would be highly sought after in management positions. Why take a personality …
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What Is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is an integral component of treating mental illness. A collaborative effort between client and therapist, it involves learning new behaviors while changing old ones – most people who undergo therapy experience both symptom relief and improved functioning in daily life as a result of therapy treatment. Psychotherapy sessions may take place either individually or …
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Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists

Psychotherapy can provide immense help for people of all ages experiencing mental health or life problems such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and relationship difficulties. Psychotherapy comes in many different forms and schools; what matters most is how well therapist and client work together. Psychotherapy Psychotherapy (also referred to as talk therapy or counseling) entails …
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What Is a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions, including biological sciences such as biology and chemistry; psychology; neuroscience; social sciences such as sociology and linguistics. Therapists possess a comprehensive medical background and must pass a rigorous examination. They rely on standard psychological tests and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of …
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Eating Disorders

If you find yourself engaging in unhealthy eating patterns, it’s crucial to seek treatment immediately. Untreated eating disorders can lead to serious health consequences including cardiovascular disease, digestive problems and kidney damage. Your doctor will ask questions about your eating habits and perform a full health exam, providing treatment options such as psychotherapy (talk therapy) …
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