How To Find The Right Psychotherapist To Treat Depression And Anxiety Disorders

An individual who is experiencing difficulty controlling mood swings, high levels of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts or other similar disorders may be an ideal candidate for cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), sometimes referred to as psychotherapy, is a commonly used form of therapeutic talk therapy (talk therapy). A licensed psychotherapist (counselor or …
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What Are the Differences Between Psychotherapy and Medicine?

What Are the Differences Between Psychotherapy and Medicine? Psychiatrists and doctors of psychiatry are two of the most popular mental health professionals in the United States. Their combined number in hospitals is greater than the combined number of doctors who practice medicine overall. They treat patients with a wide range of emotional problems including Continue reading What Are the Differences Between Psychotherapy and Medicine?

What Does A Professional Counselor Treat?

What Does A Professional Counselor Treat? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), also known as relaxation therapy, is a popular form of psychotherapy. It involves two therapists, both of which meet with the patient for a fixed time each week. The first therapist delivers a brief overview of the issues surrounding the patient, such as history …
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Is a Psychologist Right For You?

Is a Psychologist Right For You? A calgary psychotherapist is actually a medical doctor who specifically specializes in mental illness. A psychiatrist knows both mental and physical illness conditions, and he will usually consider the connections between them. A psychiatrist also performs researches and is often involved in the development of new drugs and …
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